
Welcome to Peace & Justice Network


The Peace & Justice Network (PJN) Pakistan is a national Civil Society Network consisting of 52 organizations registered under Section 42 as a not for profit rights based network with Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP), working across Pakistan (in all provinces and territories, including GB and AJK) to enhance legal empowerment, to improve access to justice of poor and vulnerable communities, to protect and promote human rights, to ensure social justice and to advocate and support rule of law reforms. PJN core focus is on the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. We believe that if we want Peace in Pakistan, we have to work for Justice. PJN Profile

PJN Vision:

"A peaceful and inclusive society governed by laws where the rights of individuals are secure".

PJN Mission Statement:

"To help build institutions which can strengthen democracy, deliver quick and inexpensive justice, and resolve conflict in a way that protects the rights of citizens, as enshrined in the Constitution, laws and international commitments pertaining to Pakistan". (For more detail please click)


Network Thematic Focus (SDG 16 Plus):

Giving Voice to the Voiceless

PJN as an idea is to make civil society as the voice of citizens and transform the rule of law and its reform to be inclusive, consultative and reflective of the aspirations and needs of the citizens.

Our core strength is our ability to provide upstream policy advice based on ground realities which can help improve the delivery if justice sector services that reflect the needs and priorities of citizens, especially those who are vulnerable.



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PJN Network Members

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Public Awareness-Raising:

Public awareness plays an important role in articulating demand for social, political and legal reform as well as changing attitudes and knowledge on law and justice. Awareness of legal and constitutional rights amongst the general public, especially with respect to fundamental rights which must be protected at all costs.

Despite the passage of recent legislation and reforms, the utility of such measures is in serious jeopardy until they can be translated to the grassroots level. Therefore, PJN proposes to raise public awareness on crucial issues related to rights and justice through a sustained, collaborative and intensive effort involving all stakeholders, especially the general public, to contribute towards strengthening the Rule of Law in Pakistan.

For this purpose, PJN intends to engage the media as a key institution in raising awareness and promoting the agenda for policy and law reform to the general public. Today, the media (in particular social media) has the power to affect change and provide a voice to the common man, including vulnerable and underprivileged segments of society, and therefore its crucial importance must not be ignored.

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